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话语 2023-02-11


It was a warm summer day and I was in my English class. We had been working on a project for the past few weeks and today was the day we were going to present it. My teacher, Mrs. Smith, was getting ready to start the presentations when she suddenly stopped and looked at me.

“You know what? Let’s have some fun. You, come up here.” She said, pointing to me.

I nervously walked up to the front of the room and she handed me a marker.

“I want you to draw something on the board that represents our class.” She said.

I looked around the room and saw all the other students looking at me expectantly. I took a deep breath and then began to draw. I drew a large circle and then drew a few lines radiating out from it. I was about to add some more details when Mrs. Smith stopped me.

“That’s perfect. Now, I want you to take this marker and ‘c’ it down on the ground. Go ahead, do it.”

I was confused but I complied. I took the marker and pressed it firmly against the ground. I could feel the vibrations of the marker as I moved it in a circular motion. I was still confused but I continued. Mrs. Smith was smiling as she watched me.

After a few minutes, I had finished. I stepped back and looked at my creation. Mrs. Smith was pleased.

“This is wonderful! You’ve created a symbol that represents our class. It’s a circle with a few lines radiating out from it. This symbol represents how we all work together as a team. We are all connected, and together, we can accomplish anything.”

Mrs. Smith then began to talk about the importance of teamwork and how we could all contribute to making our class better. I was amazed at how something so simple could have such a powerful meaning.

After she finished her speech, Mrs. Smith asked us all to take a moment and reflect on what we had just done. I looked down at the ground and saw the symbol I had created. I was proud of myself and I knew that this symbol would stay with me forever. It was a reminder of how powerful teamwork can be and how we can all come together to make something beautiful.


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