第179章 太阳日328


Ooo, eee, ooh ah ah

Ting, tang, walla walla bing bang

Ooo, eee, ooh ah ah

Ting tang walla walla bang bang


I told the unicorn it’s time for Entropy

I told the unicorn we’d wake him, wait and see

To beat the unicorn everybody sing with me (here we go)

大家从桌边一跃而起开始起舞,轻手轻脚跨过居住舱内种植的土豆,继续把Witch Doctor那傻傻的尖细曲调再唱了两遍,之后马克嚷嚷道,“接下来送上桥段!”

You know that you’re railroading us just like you were a choo-choo

And I admit we are not very brave

But if you keep on going then we’ll have to make it silly

Because we have another world to save

I told the unicorn the world is at an end

I told the unicorn she’ll need a new campaign

But because it feels like fun let’s sing the chant again

还没等他们唱完第六遍“Ooo, eee”,星光就用魔法在自己的头顶上绘出了一面小小的全息白旗表示投降,不过他们还是完整把这首歌唱完了,因为好玩。


