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write as三人

话语 2023-02-10

write as三人

Once upon a time, there lived three friends – John, Mary and David. They were the best of friends, and loved doing things together.

John was a quiet, bookish type who loved reading and learning new things. He was always eager to share his knowledge with others and was always willing to help his friends.

Mary was a vibrant and active person. She was always up for any adventure, and enjoyed doing everything with her friends. She brought a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the group.

David was a bit of a joker and always had some kind of witty remark to make. He was the life of the party and could always be counted on to make everyone laugh.

The three friends had a lot of fun together, and they were always up for anything. Whether it was going on a hike, playing a game, or just hanging out, they enjoyed every moment they spent together.

One day, they decided to go on a camping trip. John packed the tent, Mary gathered some food, and David brought the games. They loaded up their car and set off on their adventure.

They spent the day exploring the woods and enjoying nature. They laughed and played, and shared stories around the campfire. Before they knew it, night had fallen and it was time for bed.

John and Mary climbed into the tent, while David decided to sleep under the stars. He laid down and, as he looked up, he noticed three bright stars in the sky. He pointed them out to his friends and said “Look, that’s us – the three of us, together forever.”

John and Mary smiled and agreed. From then on, they would always remember those three stars and their time together.

The three friends always stayed close, even when life took them in different directions. They may have been thousands of miles apart, but each time they looked up at the night sky, they were reminded of the bond they shared.

No matter how far apart they were, those three stars, John, Mary and David, will always remain together, linked by a bond of friendship and love.



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